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SafetyMemoDisc (SMD) come fixed to Race files and are available separately for manual instruments. When the recommendations, below are followed SMD enables optimal use of the instruments and control over metal fatigue of instruments.

The SMD can be sterilized and remains attached to the instrument, thus ensuring that on the information on usage information is saved.

For manual instruments, the SMD records the number of uses or how often they have been sterilized.

For rotary instruments, between one and four petals are removed from the flange after each treatment.

The number of petals remaining indicates which types of treatment are still possible :

  • one petal corresponds to simple cases (S), that is, straight, slightly curved or wide canals.
  • two petals correspond to moderately complex cases (M), i.e., more curved or narrow canals.
  • four petals correspond to difficult cases (D), i.e. canals taht are, S-shaped, very narrow, calcified or with extreme curvature.

Rp 0


FKG Dentaire

