
Saliva-Check BUFFER

An in-office test to evaluate quality of saliva

Understand your patient’s oral environment better with Saliva-Check BUFFER kit. This will help you plan with your patient an appropriate treatment and prevention program. The test results become a very useful diagnostic and powerful communication tool to patients.

  • Checks the flow rate, viscosity and consistency of non-stimulated saliva; this will provide information about how the patient’s lifestyle may be consequently affecting their oral health
  • Checks the quantity of stimulated saliva a patient can produce; this enables identification of any major salivary gland diseases
  • Checks the buffering capacity (quality) of stimulated saliva; this will establish the effectiveness of the saliva in neutralizing acids in the mouth
  • Checks the pH of the patient’s resting saliva; this will determine whether acid levels may be dangerously high, hence possibly causing erosion or caries problems

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